Please click above picture to link to Alzheimer’s Society.
Today we had a wonderful speaker by the name of Julie Leffelaar, she is the West Kootenay representative that serves: Boswell, Castlegar, Grand Forks, Gray Creek, Midway, Nakusp, Nelson, Riondel, Salmo, Slocan, Trail, Kaslo, New Denver.
Her contact information is as follows.
Mailing Address
Alzheimer Society of B.C.
c/o Julie Leffelaar
Box 10021
South Castlegar RPO
Castlegar, B.C. V1N 4X4
Main Contacts
Julie Leffelaar, Support & Education Coordinator
The information she provides to families is support and education, to those people who have loved ones who they believe are showing any signs of Dementia, which Alzheimers is a branch of. She will do house calls, coffee dates anywhere that the family feels comfortable to discuss the changes and needs of a loved one who is having difficulty with a form of dementia.
One important piece of information is the availability of a Representation Agreement which is a document that legally allows you to have someone(s) you know and trust to be available to manage your affairs if you are are ill, injured or disabled. Representation Agreement